7 Tips To Motivate Your Child To Study

Prachi Prakhar
Sep 09, 2024

Set Goals:

Help your child to set achievable goals, breaking the tasks into smaller steps to make study less overwhelming.

Create a Schedule For Study:

Establish a particular time for study on consistent basis to make study a regular part of your day.

Incorporate Breaks:

Short breaks are necessary in between studies to maintain concentration and prevent burnout. This way you can make the process more enjoyable.

Distraction Free Environment:

Give your child a quiet and organised space for study and keep the distractions like, phones, TV and loud noises.

Celebrate Every Small Wins:

Recognize and reward every efforts of your child no matter how small it is. This will give them motivation to grow.

Active Learning:

Encourage active learning by quizzes, educational games or flash cards to make the process more enjoyable and interesting.

Be a Role Model:

Create an inspiring environment for your kid by showing yourself interest in studying or reading.


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