7 Tricks For Perfect Sleep On A Flight

(All Images Credit: Freepik)

Choose the Right Seat

Selecting the right seat is crucial for a good sleep. Opt for a window seat, which allows you to lean against the wall and avoid being disturbed by other passengers.

Pack a Travel Pillow

A good travel pillow can make a significant difference in your comfort level. An inflatable or memory foam pillow supports your neck, preventing stiffness and discomfort.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

Dressing in comfortable, layered clothing can help regulate your body temperature and improve your overall comfort.

Use Noise-Cancelling Headphon

The constant noise of the plane can make it hard to sleep.

Bring a Sleep Mask

Cabin lights and sunlight can disrupt your sleep. Using a blackout sleep mask helps block out these light sources, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

Stay Hydrated, But Not Too Much

Keeping hydrated is important, but drinking too much can lead to frequent bathroom trips, disrupting your sleep.

Adjust to the Destination’s Time Zone

To minimize jet lag set your watch to the destination’s time as soon as you board the plane.


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