7 Vastu Changes To Attract Wealth In Your Home

Prachi Prakhar
Sep 11, 2024

Clean Centre of Your House:

Clean the central part of your house which is also called Brahma Sthan. This place should be clean or mess free.

Clock Placements:

Place the clock in north or north-east direction to attract wealth and prosperity.

Aquarium in Northeast:

Keeping aquarium in north-east corner of the house is considered lucky or good.

Kitchen in Southeast:

Fire related places like, kitchen should always be present in middle place of south-east direction of the house.

Paintings in East:

Paintings related to greenery and seven horses running, should be placed in the east wall of your living room.

Bathroom in North:

The bathroom should always be in north-east and north-west direction of the house. Also try to opt for wooden doors for bathroom.

Direction of Money:

North direction is considered for positivity. So always keep your money in north direction of the house.


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