Set reminders to drink more water and you can rename your alarm’s name as “Water Time”. Use your phone to remind you to sip water all day.
One can drink more water rather than consume sugary drinks which can enhance the calories and many health issues such as acidity.
Drink water per hour as it will help your body to stay hydrated. It is said that we must drink 8 glasses of water each day.
You can eat foods that are rich in water such as watermelon, peaches, cucumber, and more. It will also help to maintain the body fluids.
If you like to flavor the water you can add cucumbers, mint, strawberry, or lemon. These will enhance the quench and have antioxidant properties. Mint can help to freshen breadth.
With proper water intake individuals can enhance cognitive function and performance throughout the day.
Pay attention to your urine color and don’t wait to drink water until you feel thirsty. It can be a sign of dehydration.