7 Ways To Recognise When People Are Taking You For Granted

Akriti Mishra
Sep 30, 2024

Zero Efforts

They put less or no effort and throw all the responsibilities on you. If you fail to meet their expectations, they make you feel worse about it.

Constantly Asking for Favour

They only reach out to you when they need you or require your help but don't offer the same support in return.

Ignoring Boundaries

They disregard your time and energy, expecting you to always be available for them and when it is expected from them, they defend themselves by saying they are busy.

Never Thankful

They rarely show gratitude for your efforts, even when you go above and beyond. They will make you feel whatever you’re doing for them is not something extra.

Lack of Respect

They show disregard and even make fun of your feelings, opinions, or achievements in front of people and cover themselves by saying they were just joking.

Taking Credit

They downplay your contributions or take credit for things you've done and often disregard your efforts.

One-Sided Relationships

You’re the one always reaching out or making plans, while they put in little to no effort is the biggest sign they take you for granted and it’s high time to cut off from these people.


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