7 Ways To Save Electricity

(Pic Courtesy: Freepik)

Zee Media Bureau
May 22, 2024

Switch Off power

Switch off the power point when not in use. Do not just unplug the charger/wire cable, keeping the main switch on.

LED Light Globes

Switch To LED light globes at home to save on power.

Fridge Use

The ideal temperature for your freezer is 4 or 5 degrees Celsius and -15 to -18 degrees.


Use the economy cycle on your dishwasher,

Manage degrees

Every degree above 20 degrees can add 10% to your heating bill.

Roof Insulation

If possible, use an effectively insulated ceiling on the roof.

Solar Energy

Use solar electricity if you can. Solar hot water systems can also help you avoid gas charges using a gas-fired water heater.


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