7 Yoga Asanas To Improve Your Mental Health


Child’s pose is an ideal resting pose to bring comfort on more challenging days. You can completely relax your muscles and rest your head safe on the ground.

Bridge Pose

This pose strengthens the body and improves balance. Lie on your back, place your feet wide apart, and lift your body off the mat by pressing down firmly on your feet.


Bow pose relieves menstrual cramps, aids digestion, and stretches the back. Lie on your stomach, bend your knees, hold your ankles, and lift your thighs, face, and chest for a few seconds.


This backbend stretches the spine, torso, shoulders, and neck. Start on all fours, inhale, arch your back as you look up, and exhale while tucking your chin and engaging your core.

Adho Mukha Asana

The conventional forward bend offers relaxation and rejuvenation. It alleviates back pain and sciatica, while addressing bodily imbalances and enhancing strength.


Seated Forward Bend, like Standing Forward Bend, benefits heart health and immunity. Sit, extend legs, lean forward from waist, engage lower abs. Daily yoga aids body maintenance.


It aims to create that ideal ambience to relax the mind and de-stress the body overall.


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