8 Best Time To Drink Water

All Image: Unsplash

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 20, 2024

After Waking up

Drinking water after waking up activates internal organs.

After Workout

Drinking water after workout helps in bringing heart rate back to normal.

Before Meal

Drinking water half an hour before a meal helps in digestion.

Before Bath

Drinking water before bath helps lower blood pressure.

Before Bed

Replenish any fluid loss before going to bed.

When Sick

Hydrate your body for a proper function when you are feeling sick

When Tired

Recharge your system whenever you are feeling tired.

Around Sick People

When surrounded by infected-sick people, drinking water doesn't ;et infection settle in the body.

Consult An Expert

This article is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.


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