8 DIY Skincare Routines For Oily Skin

Cleansing with Honey

Begin with a gentle honey cleanser. Honey's natural antibacterial properties cleanse the skin without stripping away its natural oils.

DIY Clay Masks

Create your clay masks using ingredients like bentonite or kaolin clay. Apply once or twice a week to absorb excess oil and impurities.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water for a balancing and clarifying toner. Apply with a cotton pad after cleansing.

Green Tea Steam

Steam your face over a bowl of freshly brewed green tea. It helps unclog pores and control oil production.

Oatmeal Exfoliation

Blend oats and water into a paste for a gentle exfoliator. Use it to slough off dead skin cells and reduce oil buildup.

Aloe Vera Gel Moisturizer

Aloe vera gel is a lightweight, hydrating moisturizer that won't make your skin feel greasy.

Ice Cube Massage

Rub an ice cube wrapped in a cloth over your face to tighten pores and reduce oiliness.

DIY Oil-Free Sunscreen

Mix aloe vera gel with a few drops of jojoba oil for a natural, oil-free sunscreen.


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