8 Essential Home Cleaning Hacks You Must Try This Diwali

With the festival of Diwali approaching..

transform your home into an inviting space, with these innovative cleaning hacks.

Lemon & Salt Scrub:

Create a scrub by mixing lemon juice and salt, ideal for removing stains and grime from sinks and other metal surfaces.

Vinegar Window Wash:

A mixture of water and white vinegar is excellent for streak-free and shiny windows. (for a sparkling finish, use microfiber towels to wipe).

Baking Soda Freshness:

Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, leave for 15 minutes, then vacuum to eliminate odor, this leaves a pleasant scent.

Toothpaste Tarnish Remover:

Apply non-gel toothpaste on silver or copper vessels by scrubbing gently, and watch the tarnish disappear for a polished shine.

Fabric Softener Dusting:

Thin out fabric conditioners (like comfort) with water and lightly spray it over surfaces before dusting for the surfaces to stay cleaner longer.

Steam Clean Microwave:

Fill a bowl with water, add lemon slices to it. Heat for a few minutes, allowing the steam to loosen dirt, making it easier to wipe away.

Easy Pet- hair remover:

Use rubber gloves to remove pet hair from furniture.

Natural odor absorber:

Place dried coffee grounds in a bowl (you can light them) to naturally absorb odors, particularly in the refrigerator.


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