8 Etiquette Rules For Every Guest To Follow

All Image Credit: Unsplash

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 23, 2024

Be On Time

It doesn’t seem respectful when you enter later than the given time.

Initiate Conversation

Share about your life, funny incidents, engage people to share their story and be a gentle listener.

Give Space

Though you are a guest, try being respectful of their space and try to follow the rules of their house.


It is nice to help the host with small-small work like cleaning dishes, arranging tables and more.

Less Screetime

When you are present as a guest at somebody’s house it is important to be present with the people. It seems disrespectful to be stuck with your screen.

Take Something

It is not important to take costly things rather take cost effective, useful things for the host.


Appreciate the efforts the host does for welcoming you like making dinner.

Don’t Overstay

Don’t be a forced guest, once the event or the function is over thank them and walk your way.


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