8 Famous Maithil Dishes You Must Try

Tilkor Tarua

Tilkor tarua is a special dish from the Mithila region made from Tilkor leaves, which are commonly found around small bushes or in forests.


Dahi-Chura is a traditional Maithili dish made from flattened rice (chura) mixed with yogurt (dahi), often enjoyed as a breakfast or snack.

Arikonch / Arikanchan

Arikonch, also known as Arikanchan, refers to the leaves of Kanch in Maithili, Arbi in Hindi, and Taro in English (botanically known as Colocasia esculenta). These leaves are popular in Mithila cuisine, often used to prepare delicious curries.

Kadhi Bari

Kadhi Bari is a savory dish featuring fried dumplings made from gram flour (besan), cooked in a tangy yogurt-based curry. (Pic Credit: Bihar Tourism/ Website)


Ghooghni is a spicy and tangy curry made from white peas, often served with chopped onions, green chilies, and a squeeze of lemon. (Pic Credit: Freepik)


Tarua consists of thinly sliced vegetables coated in a rice batter and deep-fried. This crispy delight is very popular among Maithils. (Pic Credit: Wikipedia)


Maachh refers to fish preparations that are integral to Maithili cuisine, reflecting the region's love for freshwater fish.


Anarsa is a classic Maithili sweet prepared during festivals like Chhath Puja. It's made from rice flour, soaked in sugar syrup, and deep-fried to perfection.


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