8 Fascinating Facts About Tomatoes

First Tomatoes

The first tomatoes enjoyed by humans were wild tomatoes.

Spanish Word

The English word tomato is derived from the Spanish word tomate.


It is classified as a fruit since it contains seeds and is an edible component of a plant.

'Stimulates' Sexual Desire

Tomatoes were believed to be sexual stimulants by the French, who nicknamed them "love apples"

Many Colours

They can be obtained in a number of colours such as yellow, pink, purple, black, and even white.

World Largest Producer

China has historically been the world's top tomato producer.

Thousand Varieties

More than 30,000 tomato varieties are reported to be grown globally today.

Tomato World Records

The Guinness World Record for "most tomatoes harvested from a single plant in one year" was 32,194 tomatoes harvested between May 2005 and April 2006.


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