8 Fitness Mantra Inspired From Tara Sutaria Daily Workout

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 02, 2024

Early Riser

Tara Sutaria is an early riser. She believes early morning is the best time to practise something that makes you fit.

Start With Yoga

She loves to start her day with a combination of yoga poses for a happy mind throughout the day.

Yoga Aasan

She does a combination of asanas, including Surya Namaskar, Vrikshasana, and Bhujangasana.

Morning Tea

Tara loves her morning 'wali chai' and the first thing she does is catch up with her friends while sipping on it.


Another thing Tara loves and prefer to keep her in shape is dancing. She is trained in a numerous dance forms and practices it for a joyful mood along with a slim body.

Light Exercises

Tara prefers smooth and steady non-strenuous exercises over heavy workout sessions and strict dieting.


She also opts jogging and running to keep her in shape, when she finds herself in a busy time schedule.


Tara is a foodie. She loves to eat typical Indian recipes with moderate carbs, and performing physical activities as well. She believes in eating everything, and then working it out.


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