8 Foods That Boost Your Skin Health

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 29, 2024

Eat Your Way to a Radiant Glow

Are you tired of using expensive skincare products with little to no results? The secret to achieving healthy, glowing skin may lie in your diet


Your skin is soft and supple because it contains elastin and collagen. They give elasticity to your skin. But with age, your body produces less of these. That is why your skin starts losing elasticity

Nuts and Seeds

All kinds of nuts and seeds are friends to your skin. They contain fats and Vitamin E that keep your skin hydrated and smooth. They prompt your body to produce collagen, which keeps your skin supple

Sweet Potatoes and Carrots

Both these vegetables are loaded with beta-carotene. Your body converts this essential antioxidant to Vitamin A. Not only do beta-carotene and Vitamin A keep your skin looking soft, but they also act as a natural sunblock


Broccoli is stuffed with tonnes of nutrients. It contains carotenoids, zinc and Vitamins A and C all of which are beneficial for your skin. But most importantly


Tomatoes contain a wide array of carotenoids such as lutein, beta-carotene and lycopene among others. They can stop wrinkles from appearing on your skin over time. They can also protect your skin from the adverse effects of pollution and the sun’s glare

Green Tea

Green tea flushes out toxic matter from your body and gives you clear and shining skin. It undoes the damage done to your skin by sun exposure and pollution

Dark Chocolate

The cocoa powder present is dark chocolate that makes your skin hydrated and soft. It makes the skin resistant to sunburn


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