8 Life-Changing Quotes By Swami Srila Prabhupada

Source: Iskcon Mangalore

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 13, 2024

Purify the Mass Mind

"If we want the degraded mass of people to be elevated, we must stop their sinful activity. To stop sinful activity one must purify the mind and the best process for purifying the mass mind is the chanting of the maha mantra Hare Krishna."

Cling to Krishna in Difficulty

"Srimati Kunti devi when there was difficulty, she prayed to Krishna. That is Krishna consciousness. Not that when there is difficulty I shall forget Krishna. Whatever the material condition may be, we should just cling to Krishna’s lotus feet."

Righteous Anger

"A devotee is always nonviolent; he is qualified with all good characteristics. But, in the common world, when there is mischief made by others, he should not forget to become angry, at least for the time being, in order to drive away the miscreants."

Health in Service

“We should not eat more than required. Eating, sleeping, mating, all these are material demands; the more we minimize, then that is good, but not at the risk of health. Because we have to work for Krishna, so we must maintain our health nicely.”

Krishna is Always with You

"Don’t feel yourself to be alone because Krishna is always with you. Krishna is always with every living entity as Supersoul, and to His devotee especially He talks and gives instructions how to attain the perfectional stage of meeting Him."

Persevere in Service

"Do not be depressed. All along my godbrothers gave me only depression, repression, compression—but I continued strong in my duty. So never mind there is some discouragement, continue with your work in full enthusiastic Krishna Consciousness attitude of service."

Detachment from the Material World

"Unless one becomes detestful of this material world, it is to be understood that he has not yet entered into the spiritual understanding. This is the test of bhakti. If one has entered the domain of devotional service, this material world will be not at all tasteful for him."

Overlooking Faults

"Blasphemy means you have good qualities, but still, I am defaming you. Tamala Krishna: So the saintly person tends to overlook the bad qualities and see the good ones. Prabhupada: Yes.


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