8 Life Lessons To Learn From The Movie ‘Pursuit Of Happyness’

(All photos credit: X)

Khushi Arora
Dec 25, 2024

Expect The Unexpected

Chris faced so many problems in the movie which he never expected. Movie teaches us that life is unpredictable and things happen so always be prepared for anything and everything.

Don’t Regret Anything

Wasting your time thinking about past decisions is not a good idea. Whatever happened, however it happened, happened for good. Learn from it and move on.

Never Give Up

Chris’s story is an example of persistence. Never, ever give up on your dreams. All the failures, rejections and setbacks are your pathways towards success.

Hard Work Is The Key

You will not get anything easily in your life, you will have to work for everything and with hard work you will achieve everything.

Small Moments Matter

Life is not just about big huge moments, life is about small moments that bring happiness. Small moments of love, kindness and gratitude is what truly matters.

Planning Is Important

When you work towards your goals with proper planning, you are one step ahead already. Planning is the first step towards your success.

Don’t Listen To Anyone

Everyone you will meet will have something to say or some advice to give but you must always listen to your heart and do what you think is the best for you.

Strengthen Your Skills

Never stop learning, always keep on improving and growing and keep learning new skills. In this era, growth and change are very important or you will fall behind.


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