8 Most Common Job Interview Questions

(Pic Courtesy: Freepik)

Zee Media Bureau
May 21, 2024

Tell Us About Yourself

Here, the interview expects you to give a brief introduction about yourself, highlighting your professional journey

Why Are You Interested In Our Company?

Checking your homework in reading about the organisation and your clarity in work

How Did You Hear About This Role?

The employer wants to know how aggressively are you looking out for a job

Why This Position?

Wanting to know about your expectations from the post applied

Highlight Your Strengths

The interviewer wants to know about your strengths and how you see it.

Share Your Weaknesses

Here, he/she wants to check whether you can accept your shortcomings or not.

Why Did You Quit Last Job?

The interviewer is keen to analyze the reason and check whether you are honest in your answer or lying upfront.

How Will You Manage Work?

Here, the company wants to see whether you have a knack for handling work in times of crisis and strike a work-life balance.

Why Should We Hire You?

Highlighting what makes you the best bet for the role.


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