8 Powerful And Inspirational Quotes Of Ratan Tata

Akriti Mishra
Sep 18, 2024


“If there are challenges thrown across, then some interesting, innovative solutions are found. Without challenges, the tendency is to go on the same way.”


“I may have hurt some people along the way, but I would like to be seen as somebody who has done his best to do the right thing for any situation and not compromised.”


“The day I am not able to fly will be a sad day for me.”


“People still believe what they read is necessarily the truth.”


“Flying, I continue to be involved with. I love flying, and I hope to keep doing it so long as I can pass my medicals and stay proficient.”


“I have been constantly telling people to encourage people, to question the unquestioned and not to be ashamed to bring up new ideas, new processes to get things done.”


“I have always been very confident and very upbeat about the future potential of India. I think it is a great country with great potential.”


“A founder who is in for the short run, or has no passion for the sector he is in, doesn't give me a great deal of comfort.”


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