8 Signs You Are a Leader And Not Just a Follower

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 05, 2024

You like to be Alone

A true leader is never afraid to be alone with his thoughts and looks for the gaps to be alone with himself. On the other hand, he can easily interact with others

You Adapt to Changes without Complaining

There are two types of people in this world: those who need others to tell them what to do. And those who know what to do without anyone having to say to them

You like the silence and only speak when Necessary

People often talk too much. However, an authentic leader doesn’t need social validation from others. Leaders only speak when necessary and never waste time and energy looking for the claps

You know who you are. Your ego doesn’t need Constant Validation

This point is closely related to the previous one. A leader does not require the approval of his followers, only their respect

You Don’t Demonize Money

True leaders know that money is a tool to improve the world. And they don’t detract from it. they know that money is only an instrument, not an end. And therefore, leaders do not obsess about it, to bring their projects to fruition

You treat others the way you like them to treat you

Treating others how you want them to treat you is more selfish than you think. It is a measure designed to keep your distance. And that allows you to develop as an individual

You don’t lose your temper quickly

All people who are examples of leadership face a lot of criticism along the way. Half the world points the finger at them, and the other half is waiting for them to make the mistake to point the finger at them

You accept the risk

All leaders are visionaries: they can see where others cannot. This vision allows them to put short-term rewards out of their lives because they know that the pot of gold is found at the end of the rainbow, never at the beginning


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