8 Tips To Keep Insects Out Of House

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 16, 2024

Seal all entry points:

Block the way around windows, doors, and pipes to prevent insects from sneaking in.

Keep your home tidy:

Regularly vacuum and dust, especially in areas where food is prepared and consumed.

Remove standing water:

Keep your home dry by fixing any leaks and emptying standing water from containers.

Use door sweeps:

Install door sweeps or weather stripping to seal gaps under doors.

Install window screens:

Keep windows closed or install screens to keep insects out.

Keep food sealed:

Store food in airtight containers and clean up crumbs and spills promptly.

Use essential oils:

Certain oils, like peppermint and lemongrass, can repel insects. Mix with water and spray around entry points.

Call a professional if needed:

If you have a severe insect infestation, consider consulting a pest control expert.


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