8 Ways To Include Flax Seeds In Your Diet

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 13, 2024

Add to porridge or oatmeal:

Sprinkle some ground flax seeds on your breakfast porridge or oatmeal for a nutty flavour and extra fibre.

Mix with yoghurt:

Combine ground flax seeds with yoghurt, honey, and fruit for a healthy snack or dessert.

Use in baking:

Substitute some flour with ground flax seeds when baking cakes, cookies, or muffins.

Make a flax egg:

Mix ground flax seeds with water to create a vegan substitute for eggs in recipes.

Add to smoothies:

Blend ground flax seeds with your favourite fruits and milk for a nutritious smoothie.

Sprinkle on salads:

Add some crunch and nutrition to your salads by sprinkling ground flax seeds on top.

Use in granola:

Mix ground flax seeds with rolled oats, nuts, and seeds to create a healthy homemade granola.

Make flaxseed tea:

Steep ground flax seeds in hot water to make a soothing tea that aids digestion.


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