8 Yoga Poses To Ease Or Relieve Neck Pain

Zee Media Bureau
Jan 19, 2024

1. Balasana or Child Pose

The gentle, restorative Balasana is a great way to release upper back, shoulders, and neck tension. It helps draw the vitalizing energy down from the Earth into the body.

2. Natrajasana or Reclining Twist

The standing, balancing, back-bending Natarajasana helps relieve back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain.

3. Marjariasana or Cat Pose

Marjariasana is ideal for strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the spine. It releases the tensions in the shoulder and neck.

4. Viparita Karani Asana or Legs-up-the-wall Pose

Viparita Karani, a moderate inversion, gives a good stretch to the front of your torso and back of the neck. It relieves back and neck pain and soothes the muscles.

5. Sukhasana or Easy Seated Pose

Sukhasana is great to release tension from the neck, back and shoulders. It helps in increasing awareness of the body’s posture and keeps the spine erect.

6. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend

Uttanasana helps to decompress the neck with the help of gravity. The forward bending pose enhances blood circulation in the head region and calms the mind.

7. Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose

Gomukhasana is an excellent pose for increasing motion around the neck and shoulders. It helps reduce stiffness around the head region.

8. Salamba Bhujangasana or Sphinx Pose

Salamba Bhujangasana relieves tension in the spine and neck area. It stretches the upper and middle back, giving right alignment for the neck.

Yoga At Home

These yoga steps can be tried as home remedy that can help in easing, relieving neck pain and should not be considered as professional medical advice


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