Citric acid is one of the organic acids found in apple cider vinegar It contains citric acid used to fight acne and lactic acid removes acne marks.
Compared to other acne-related natural remedies, it went through a fair amount of research.
A study discovered that the antibacterial properties of honey and cinnamon bark extract against P. acnes.
According to research, tea tree oil may be beneficial for acne eruptions that are mild to moderate.
Acne can be controlled by polyphenols' anti-inflammatory qualities, which also shield the skin from UV ray damage.
Aloe Vera contains antibacterial qualities that can help control and reduce the bacteria that cause acne.
It contains Omega 3s and it used to reduce inflammation.
It is really important to wash your face at least twice a day to remove germs and dust.
It could worsen your acne condition by causing more irritation and clogging nearby pores.