Amazing Benefits of Roasted Chana

Weight Balancer

Due to high fibre and protein, roasted chana can help to reduce cravings. This instinct of satisfaction will lead you to weight management. It can also block the urge of unnecessary snacking habits.

Source of Vitamins

Roasted chana contains many essential vitamins that can be helpful in boosting your immune system.

Rich in Protein

Roasted chana is a delicious Indian plant-based snack. It can help you achieve your protein requirements, and pairing it with other ingredients is easy. In fact, the taste of this snack is so delicious that it might surprise you that healthy snacking can be truly tasty.

Good for Heart

Roasted chana is packed with potassium, fibre, and magnesium. These nutrients may help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and the risk of heart attack. These properties of roasted chana contribute to better heart health.


Chickpeas are packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols. These antioxidants may contribute to reducing inflammation and stress. Regularly consuming roasted chana could improve your overall health.

Bone Friendly

Strong and healthy bones require important minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Roasted chana is a great source of all three, potentially contributing to maintaining strong and healthy bones.

Low in Fat

Roasted chana is naturally low in fat, making it a guilt-free snack that won't contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels. This is especially beneficial for those looking to manage their weight and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Consult An Expert

(This web story is meant for informational purposes only and must not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)


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