Best Color Combinations For A Bedroom 2023

Deep Purple And Ochre

Interior designer Karen Knox demonstrates how darker, deeper hues can create a cozy, sanctuary-like atmosphere in your bedroom

Blues And Neutral Grays

blues and grays make an excellent pair, says Patrick O’Donnell, International Brand Ambassador for Farrow & Ball

Mix Yellow With Blue To Mimic The Sun And Sea

For a calming and balanced bedroom scheme, opt for sandy yellows or ochres and pair with blues

Warm Up A Blue Bedroom With Red And Oranges

Pale blue creates a calming bedroom backdrop that can be brightened with warm colors like reds, oranges, pinks, and yellows

Pair Pale Pink With Darker Pink And Gray

Pink is a great color for a modern bedroom because it doesn't distract or stimulate the brain. Choose a warm, cozy hue

Blue And Canary Yellow

A calming blue wall color leaves room for vibrant accent colors, such as a cheerful canary yellow for a bedroom

Pair Paler Shades Of Blue With Subtle Green

The origin of the saying "never mix blue and green" is unclear and difficult to understand


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