Books That Will Help You To Master The Art Of Understanding Human Psychology

Prachi Kapruwan
Sep 10, 2024

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

It is a book that helps in understanding and mastering human psychology, it talks about how persuasion works.

Anna Karenina

It is a famous and complicated classic that is believed to be a masterpiece when it comes to human relationships and the psychology of love, passion, and social norms.

The Fall

It is a philosophical novel that takes readers on the road of guilt, judgment, and existential crisis.

Man’s search for meaning

It is one of the best books to read to understand human psychology and the role it plays in common emotions like motivation, will, and more.

Crime and Punishment

It is about Raskolnikov, a young man who murders an old woman and her sister and then goes into guilt, obsession, will for redemption, and trying to justify his actions.

Games People Play

It is another book that helps to understand the psychology of the other person.

The Brothers Karamazov

This is about human psychology through fiction, an excellent novel. Through the story of 3 brothers and their relationship with their father, the book looks at emotions and more.


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