10 Baby Boy Names Inspired By Gautam Buddha

Ipsita Bhattacharya
May 23, 2024

Buddha Purnima 2024

Buddha Purnima marks the birth of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Born as Prince Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha left his home and renounced the materialistic world at 29. He became a wandering ascetic and spiritual teacher and his preachings are the foundation of Buddhism. On Buddha Purnima 2024 - May 23 - let's check out 10 names of baby boys inspired by Lord Buddha. (Images by Freepik, Pexels, Pixabay).


Originating from Gautama, it refers to Lord Buddha, the remover of darkness - one who dispels ignorance and brings enlightenment.


It means he who has attained enlightenment. It is derived from the Sanskrit words "siddha" meaning "perfected" and "dhriti" meaning "steadfastness". Lord Buddha's birth name was Siddhartha.


Referring to Lord Buddha, the name means an energy circle or a form of chakra.


A Sanskrit word meaning awakening or enlightenment, it refers to lord Buddha. In Buddhism, 'Bodhi' refers to the final Enlightenment, which puts an end to the cycle of transmigration (one state of existence to another) and leads to Nirvāṇa, or spiritual release;


Meaning compassion, wisdom and rebirth, Amitābha Buddha is considered one of the five Buddhas of Wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism. He is believed to preside over the Pure Land, a blissful and enlightened realm.


This can be a unique name for your baby boy. It's another name for Lord Buddha.


Meaning awakened, one who has divine knowledge and one with sacred wisdom, it refers to Lord Buddha.


A unique name for boys, it refers to Lord Buddha and embodies the comprehensive nature of Buddha's enlightenment.


Meaning the compassionate one, the moniker refers to the Buddha of the future, who will be born to teach enlightenment in the next age.


The name means liberation or salvation. In Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, which Gauama Budhha acheieved.


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