Build Strong Bones: 7 Foods You Need To Know

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 17, 2024

Dairy Products

Dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and milk are great sources of calcium. One can choose low-fat options to limit the intake of saturated fats.


Soybeans are packed with calcium and can be a great food for vegans.


Beans are packed with protein and magnesium which are essential nutrients for healthy bone.

Eggs Yolk

Egg Yolks are packed with vitamin D which is essential for our bone health. It is also rich in protein and eggs provide amino acids that play a crucial role in bone matrix formation.


Canned Salmon fish is packed with calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D which aid bones and fish bone has high calcium and phosphorus which contribute to bone health.


Mushrooms contribute to building strong bones and muscles. It is rich in Vitamin D which helps our body to absorb calcium and it is essential for building bones and muscles.

Dried Fruit

Dry fruits are rich in calcium which is the main mineral responsible for building strong bones. Consume dry fruits such as raisins, dates, or apricots packed with vitamin K or magnesium.


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