Divine Wisdom: 6 Motivating Quotes by Lord Krishna

Jul 24, 2024

Embrace Your Dharma

It's preferable to do one's tasks poorly than to become an expert at someone else's. Embrace your obligations and stay faithful to your course in the face of obstacles.

Focus on the Action

You are free to work, but you are never free to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Pay attention to your work and not the results. Find serenity in the process by letting go of the need for outcomes.

Find Inner Strength

The brain is restless and hard to control, but it may be quieted with work. Use dedication and practice to sharpen your focus and steadily settle your thoughts.

Have Faith and Live It

I am the start, middle, and final phase of all creation, says the description. Have confidence in life's journey and put your trust into the divine force that governs the cosmos.

Disconnect from Your Desires

When an individual is devoid of all attachments, they are considered elevated. Find ultimate contentment by releasing yourself from material cravings.

Accept Love and Caring

He who is free from selfishness and self-sense, who is kind and compassionate, who has no ill will toward any being, attains peace, reads the description. To attain inner tranquility and harmony with others, nurture love, compassion, and humility.


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