Facing Severe Hairfall? Stop Eating These Food Immediately

(Pic: Freepik)

Healthy Diet And Lifestyle

Your diet and your lifestyle has a great impact on the growth, strength and density of your hair. (Pic: Pixabay)

Can Food Lead To Baldness?

However, you must know that certain food or habit can contribute to hairfall, ultimately leading to baldness. (Pic: Pixabay)

Food With High-level Of Mercury

If you are suffering from hairfall, food with high-level of mercury including sushi, mackerel, tuna should be avoided. (Pic: Pixabay)

Food Rich In Processed Sugar

High-sugar diets can cause or exacerbate various health conditions and contribute to thinning hair and hair loss. (Pic: Freepik)

High Glycemic Food

High-glycemic foods are very harmful to hair health and growth. Whole wheat bread, white rice, cereal bars have high glycemic. (Pic: Freepik)

Vitamin A overdose

Consuming too much vitamin A over a long period of time can cause hair loss. Vitamin A is rich in liver, fish, eggs, and dairy products. (Pic: Freepik)

Too-Much Selenium

Excessive selenium are known to cause hairfall. Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs contain high amount of selenium. (Pic: Freepik)

Excessive Alcohol

Consuming too much alcohol can lead to depletion of iron and zinc in body, leading to hair loss. (Pic: Freepik)

Fried Food

If you don't want to lose hair, avoid eating too much fried food. (Pic: Freepik)

Insufficient Protein Intake

Consume a low-protein diet can lead to thinning hair or hair breakage. Include protein-rich food in your diet such as lentils, spinach, beans and tofu. (Pic: Freepik)


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