Flower Plants That Bloom In May

(All Pics Credit: freepik)

Olivia Sarkar
May 04, 2024


Cosmo has captured my heart with their subtle beauty. Cosmos flowers, with their delicate, daisy-like petals and vivid colours, are like easygoing garden companions.


Marigolds, those bright bursts of colour, are the stars of flowering plants grown in India during the summer. When the sun plays hide-and-seek with the clouds, marigolds shine with their vibrant colours.


Hibiscus, with its exotic attraction, is like having a tropical paradise right in your own garden. These blossoms are the ultimate show-stoppers, with their vivid hues and exquisite petals.


If you want to transform your garden into a work of living art, bougainvilleas are the ideal canvas. You may train them to climb walls, trellises, or any support you like.


Jasmine is the unassuming garden companion who whispers lovely nothings rather than shouting. Its aroma is beautiful poetry, like a sweet secret shared by flowers.

Plumeria Dreams

Champa or Plumeria adds a touch of the tropics to your yard. Its exotic charm is like finding a secret jewel in your backyard. Champa plants proudly show their gorgeous, waxy flowers. These flowers are like colourful jewelry for your yard.


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