From Workout To Ikigai: 10 Japanese Habits To Stay Energetic All Day


Regular physical activity such as walking or cardio workouts is integral to the Japanese way of life and helps maintain physical fitness and mental clarity. (Photo credit: freepik)

Hot Spring Visits

Regular visits to hot springs help relax the muscles, reduce stress, and improve blood circulation, contributing to overall well-being and help staying energetic all day. (Photo credit: freepik)

Community and Social Connections

Strong social ties and community involvement provide emotional support and create a sense of purpose and energy. (Photo credit: freepik)

Eating control

The practice of eating until one is 80% full helps prevent overeating and maintains energy balance . (Photo credit: freepik)

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practices like mindfulness and meditation are integrated into daily life to reduce stress and improve focus and energy levels. (Photo credit: freepik)

Green tea

Green tea is arguably one of the healthiest beverages and drinking it is a daily habit in Japan. (Photo credit: freepik)

Mindful Eating

Japanese culture emphasizes savoring each bite, promoting mindful eating. (Photo credit: freepik)

Quality Sleep

Prioritizing good sleep is rooted in Japanese culture, ensuring a refreshed start each day. (Photo credit: freepik)


Staying hydrated is a fundamental aspect of Japanese health practices as it aids in maintaining energy and sustains overall well-being. (Photo credit: freepik)

Follow Your Ikigai

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being,” your purpose or passion in life, or having the sense to motivate individuals and keep them mentally and physically active, essential for maintaining energy. (Photo credit: freepik)


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