Global Farewells: 6 Unique Funeral Customs From Around The Globe

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 18, 2024

Sky Burial

As a sign of the circle of life and the release of the soul, Buddhists in Tibet bury their dead with their corpses exposed for birds to eat.


Every few years, people in Madagascar wrap their deceased in brand-new burial cloths and dance with them to help with their transition into the afterlife.

Water Burial

In order to reunite the dead with the gods or the natural world, people in the Nordic and other civilisations use water for burial.

Varanasi Parade

To inspire souls toward salvation, bodies are paraded in vibrant colours and doused with Ganges water prior to cremation in India.

Tower Of Silence

To prevent fire or soil pollution, Zoroastrians arrange their dead on raised platforms for vultures to eat.

Ashes To Beads

Due to limited space, cremated remains in South Korea are transformed into vibrant beads that can be seen as mementos in households.


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