8 Life Lessons By Baba Nanak Ji

Tanya Dutt
Nov 27, 2023

Lesson 1

There is but One God.

Lesson 2

No one can save anybody else. It is only Guru who guides us to safety and to be saved, one has to follow the right path of 'Sewa and Simran' told by him.

Lesson 3

Shun the five evils which lead to illusion (Maya) which eventually acts as obstacles towards the attainment of salvation (moksha).

Lesson 4

Religion is not mere consistency of words but looks at all men and women equally.

Lesson 5

Everything happens by God’s grace, so rest assured that God knows better what is right or wrong for us.

Lesson 6

Vand Chako- Sharing with others, helping those with less who are in need.

Lesson 7

Kirat Karo- Earning/making a living honestly, without exploitation or fraud.

Lesson 8

Naam Japna- Chanting the Holy Name and thus remembering God at all times (ceaseless devotion to God)


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