Heatwave Alert: 10 Tips To Protect Yourself in Summer

Seek Medical Help if Unwell

Consult a doctor immediately if you feel unwell.

Keep Your Home Cool

Use curtains, shutters, or sunshades, and open windows at night.

Never Leave Kids or Pets in Cars

Keep children and pets out of parked vehicles and ensure pets have shade and water.

Use Rehydration Solutions

Consume ORS or homemade drinks like lassi, lemon water, and buttermilk.

Limit Strenuous Activities

Refrain from intense activities during peak heat hours.

Eat Wisely

Avoid high-protein and stale foods.

Avoid Dehydrating Drinks

Steer clear of alcohol, tea, coffee, and carbonated soft drinks.

Dress Appropriately

Wear lightweight, loose, light-colored cotton clothes. Use protective gear like goggles, an umbrella, or a hat.

Limit Sun Exposure

Avoid going out in the sun, especially between noon and 3 pm.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water regularly, even if you're not thirsty.


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