Homemade Protein Powder With Natural Ingredients

Kirti Mahor
Sep 21, 2024

Looking to increase your protein consumption to help with losing weight? Give a shot to this elaichi-infused protein powder, It is both healthy and tasty!

Make homemade protein powder using all these ingredients and recipe.


50 grams of almonds 50 grams of track 25 grams of sunflower seeds 25 grams of pumpkin seeds 25 grams of watermelon seeds 50 grams of roasted Chana dal 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder Add saffron according to preference.

Prepare Nuts

Toast a small amount of almonds and pistachios until they turn a golden brown color. Allow them to cool down, then proceed to grind them into a coarse powder. Put to the side for future use.

Prepare Seeds

Then, bake sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and watermelon seeds. After they have cooled down, crush them into a rough powder. Mix this with the nut blend.

Add Chana Dal

Grind chana dal to a fine powder. Blend it with the ground nuts and seeds. Improve the taste by adding elaichi powder and/or kesar powder for more depth of flavor.

Store And Use

Keep your protein powder stored in a glass container. To give your milk or favorite recipes a nutritious boost, simply add one tablespoon. Have a great time!


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