Ink Stains Be Gone: A Quick Guide to Removing Ink Stains

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 12, 2024

Ink Disaster

Ugh, ink stains! They're the worst. But please don't worry. We've got you covered.

The Magic Ingredient

The solution to your ink stain problem might be sitting right in your bathroom cabinet. Rubbing alcohol is the key to removing those pesky ink marks.

How to Use It

To remove the ink stain, gently blot the area with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol. Avoid scrubbing! Let the alcohol sit for a few minutes before rinsing with cold water.

Tackle Tough Stains

For stubborn stains, add a drop of dish soap to the area and gently rub before rinsing.

Wash and Dry

After treating the stain, wash the garment as usual with cold water. Check before drying to ensure the stain is completely gone.

Prevent Future Stains

Always cap your pens to prevent accidental spills and stains.

Ink Stain Removed


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