International Cat Day: 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Maine Coon

These cats are known for their large size and tufted paws and ears. They are an affectionate, friendly breed and are very smart.


This fluffy, soft-furred breed is absolutely adorable and they are gentle and laid-back. Ragdolls are not only family-friendly, they get along well with other cats as well as dogs.


The striking blue eyes are their identifying features. Loyal and affectionate, these cats get easily attached to their people.


One of the oldest cat breeds which can be traced back to Egypt, these cats are curious, playful, and devoted to family members. But keep your Abyssinian cats engaged, they get bored easily!


Docile, quiet, and fluffy, the Persian cat is one of the most friendly breeds in the world and loves to lie down for long hours and curl up for naps.


Affectionate and friendly, these cats are known to be energetic, almost like dogs, and are known to enjoy games of fetch.


Gentle and quiet, Birman cats love to socialise with humans and other animals. Easy-going and patient, they are a great choice for families with children.

Scottish Fold

Adorable, adaptable, and sweet, Scottish Folds are docile, non-demanding, and get along well even with dogs. A great family cat breed.

Exotic Shorthair

A short-haired version of the Persian cat, Exotic Shorthair is very sweet, quiet, and affectionate. Easygoing, playful yet not demanding, these are perfect cats for families.


These cats have a visually striking appearance and while they are loved by some for their looks, others shun it for the same reason. Sphynx cats are very friendly and love hugs and cuddles.


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