Know How Not To Take Things Personally

All Image: Unsplash

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 23, 2024


Everyone has their own battle and challenges that may influence their behavior.

Value Yourself

Value your self-worth, external criticism should not bother you, raise your self-esteem from within.

Worth and Mistake

Separate your worth from your mistakes as both are not linked with one another.

Can’t Please Everyone

Accept the fact that it is not possible to please everyone and meet everybody’s expectations.

Balanced Perspective

Be an unbiased observer to gain a balanced perspective.

Constructive Criticism

Think and evaluate criticism, know whether there was any truth with the statement and then work on the feedback for positive growth.

Interpret Behavior

Try to look for other reasons for one’s behavior. If someone doesn't greet you doesn’t mean the problem is you, they might be shy or distracted.

Understand Rudeness

Understand other rudeness as their behavior reflects their own issues and has nothing to do with you.


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