Mean Girls Day 2024: 7 Ways to Spot a Mean Girl

All Pics credit: Freepik

Ananya Kaushal
Oct 03, 2024

Queen Bee Complex:

She craves control and always tries to be the leader, making sure everyone follows her rules.

Backhanded Compliments:

She’ll give you a “compliment” that’s really a disguised insult, leaving you second-guessing.

Silent Treatment:

She uses the cold shoulder to punish or assert dominance, making people feel isolated.

Two-Faced Friendships:

Friendly when you’re around but gossips behind your back when you’re not.

Exclusive Cliques:

She forms exclusive groups to make others feel left out, feeding her need for superiority.

Public Put-Downs:

Loves embarrassing people in front of others to boost her own confidence.

Competitive Spirit:

Turns everything into a rivalry, using underhanded tactics to always come out on top.

How to Deal:

Maintain your confidence, set clear boundaries, and avoid feeding into her need for attention.


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