Do You Have These 5 Negative Plants In Your Garden? Remove Them Now

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 06, 2024

Hindu Beliefs

In Hindu mythology and traditional beliefs, certain plants are considered inauspicious or believed to bring negative energy when grown in home gardens. Here are five such plants:

1. Tamarind (Imli) Tree

Tamarind trees are believed to attract negative energies and spirits. In Hindu tradition, it is said that the tree absorbs surrounding energy and its proximity may lead to restlessness and health issues.

2. Babool (Acacia) Tree

The babool tree is associated with harshness and thorns, symbolizing obstacles and difficulties. Its presence is thought to bring tensions and disputes in the household.

3. Mehendi (Henna) Plant

Mehendi is often used in rituals and celebrations, but its plant is considered inauspicious for being grown at home. It is associated with death rituals and is sometimes believed to attract spirits.

4. Cactus

Cacti, with their sharp thorns, are seen as symbols of negativity, misfortune, and conflicts. In Hindu homes, they are thought to disturb the flow of positive energy.

5. Peepal Tree (Sacred Fig)

The Peepal tree is revered in Hindu mythology and is often associated with Lord Vishnu. However, it is considered inauspicious to grow it in residential areas because it is said to attract spirits and is often planted near temples or cemeteries.


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