7 Effective Tips To Manage Stress During Exams

Zee Media Bureau
May 22, 2024

According to WHO, mental health is a state of mental well-being that allows people to deal with life's stress, realize their potential, study and work effectively, and contribute to their community. Good mental health is essential for children's growth and development during their early years of life. However, exams can be a stressful time for them. (All pics: Freepik)

As entrance exams push students into a maelstrom of stress and anxiety, mental wellness emerges as an essential lifeline. Here’s a look at some of the strategies shared by Dr J Srinivasa Rao, Director of Admissions, KL Deemed to be University which students can curb their mental pressure:

Value Yourself

Students need to realize that every individual is unique and that they should stop themselves from comparing themselves with others. Treating oneself with utmost respect and kindness is one way to take care of the body.

Taking care of the body

Self-care is extremely important for students during their growing age. They can take care of themselves by having a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly.

Breathing exercises

Setting aside a few minutes to practice mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises can help manage the body's stress response and redirect focus to the present moment.

Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals, whether there are several weeks, days, or hours until the exam, helps to put things in perspective. Acceptance of the circumstance and working within the scope of one's assets maximizes productivity while avoiding burnout.

Prepare To-Do Lists

Putting together what is needed helps in getting a visual representation. This way, students can better allocate their time to various tasks while not focusing on a single task.

Regular Breaks

Taking regular breaks from revision helps in improving focus and even prevents students from experiencing burnout and fatigue. Studying for several hours constantly is ineffective if the body fails to get sufficient sleep, which is required to maintain motivation.

Get help if needed

If a student believes he cannot handle things on his own, he should seek help. Talking with teachers, parents, and counselors might be one of the best decisions as they can provide greater guidance and assistance.


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