Shield Your Eyes With These 6 Essential Summer Sun Protection Tips

(All Images Credit: Freepik)

Wear UV-Protective Sunglasses

Invest in a good pair of sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays. Look for labels that specify UV protection.

Use a Wide-Brimmed Hat

Wearing a wide-brimmed hat can provide additional protection by shading your eyes from direct sunlight.

Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

Try to avoid being outdoors during peak sun hours, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are the strongest.

Wear a Hat and Sunglasses at the Beach

The beach can be particularly harsh on your eyes due to the reflection of sunlight off the water and sand.

Use UV-Protective Contact Lenses

If you wear contact lenses consider those with built-in UV protection. While they don't cover the entire eye, they can provide an extra layer of defense against harmful UV rays.

Keep Your Eyes Hydrated

The sun and heat can cause your eyes to dry out. Use lubricating eye drops to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.


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