Shiva's Divine Symbols:7 Symbols Of Lord Shiva And Their Meaning

Priyanka Soam
Sep 24, 2024

Crescent Moons

Crescent Moons or Chandra represent the growth and cycle of life and its phases and symbolize Shiva's control over time and the cosmos.

Third Eye

Third Eye or Trident represents intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insights and symbolizes that Shiva is seeing everything.


Trishul represents creation, preservation, and destruction and symbolizes Shiva's power to balance and harmony in the universe.


Snake or Nagaraj represents control over fears and death and symbolizes transcendence over morality.

River Ganga

River Ganga represents the purification or flow of life and spiritual cleansing.


Damaru represents the creation of the beat of life and universe's pulsation.


Ashes or Vibhuti represent spiritual focus, renunciation, and liberation .


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