Sleep Paralysis Decoded: 7 Symptoms To Look Out For

(All pics credit: Freepik)

Anupama Jha
Sep 29, 2024

What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up. It can be unsettling, but knowing the symptoms can help you cope better.

Duration of Episodes

Sleep paralysis episodes typically last from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Knowing the time frame can help ease anxiety when it occurs.

Inability to Move

One of the hallmark signs of sleep paralysis is the inability to move your body. You may feel awake but find yourself completely frozen in place.

Pressure on the Chest

Many experience a sensation of heaviness or pressure on their chest, making it difficult to breathe. This can add to the feelings of panic during an episode.


Some people report vivid hallucinations, which can be visual, auditory, or even tactile. These can make the experience even more frightening.

A Sense of Danger

A strong feeling of impending doom or danger is common. This overwhelming sensation can trigger anxiety during episodes of sleep paralysis.

Sleep Disruption

Experiencing sleep paralysis can lead to disrupted sleep patterns, making it harder to feel rested. Frequent episodes may cause you to dread going to sleep.

Awareness of Surroundings

During sleep paralysis, you may be fully aware of your surroundings, even though you can’t move. This awareness can intensify feelings of helplessness.


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