Speak Up! 7 Habits To Boost Speaking Confidence

Priyanka Soam
Sep 16, 2024


Research, organize, and rehearse your content in advance as confidence in speaking doesn’t happen by chance, it’s built on the foundation of preparation.


Imagine yourself speaking confidently as the mind is a powerful tool and the heart of our self-perception.


Focus on the present and breathe deeply less on the fear of how it will be received, as it will enable us to connect more deeply with our message and our audience.

Body Language

Maintain eye contact and smile to convey the message as our non-verbal cues often speak louder than our words.

Practice Active Listening

Regularly engaging in public speaking and paying attention to others, asking thoughtful questions will help you a more dynamic speaker and strengthen your connection with listeners.

Don’t Fear Failure

We all stumble, we all fall, But it’s not the failure itself that defines us. So, always view your mistakes and seek growth and learning.


Vulnerability is frequently seen as a sign of weakness, especially in public speaking, so often share your personal experiences and authentic thoughts to connect to the audience.


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