Sufi Secrets: 7 Sacred Stages Of Love You Must Know

Akriti Mishra
Oct 10, 2024

Attraction (Hub)

The journey begins with the initial spark of love that draws the seeker irresistibly toward the Divine.

Infatuation (Ishq)

Passionate and overwhelming love consumes the seeker, leaving them lost in intense devotion.

Love (Mawadda)

Love matures into a steady, enduring connection, characterized by deep affection and constancy.

Reverence (Khayf)

The seeker is drawn by awe and humility towards the beloved.

Devotion (Khuluus)

The heart is purified, and love transforms into complete sincerity and loyalty, seeking only the Divine’s pleasure.

Ecstasy (Wajd)

At this stage, the seeker's soul touches the ecstasy of divine presence.

Annihilation (Fana)

The self dissolves entirely in the Divine, achieving complete oneness and spiritual annihilation.


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