Summer diet: What to eat and what to avoid

May 24, 2024

Prioritize Nutrition in Summer

– To survive the heat, focus on nutrition. – Include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Cooling Fruits and Their Benefits

– Watermelon and berries offer hydration and antioxidants. – Pineapple aids digestion, while oranges and lemons boost immunity.

Importance of Hydration and Nutrition

– Nutritionists emphasize the significance of hydration and nutrients. – Green leafy vegetables and tomatoes provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Probiotics and Light Meals

– Probiotics like yogurt and coconut water promote gut health. – Light meals such as grilled fish and cold soups are recommended.

Mindful Eating and Beverage Choices

– Be mindful of food and beverage choices during summer. – Opt for hydrating drinks like water, coconut water, and fresh fruit juices.

Foods to Avoid in Summer

– Limit or avoid beverages high in caffeine and sugar. – Check alcohol consumption as it can cause dehydration.

Impact of Certain Foods on Metabolism

– Processed and fried foods can decrease metabolism. – Spicy foods and junk food may contribute to dehydration.


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