Techniques For Maintaining Your Composure Under Stress

Kirti Mahor
Oct 19, 2024

One important skill that may be developed with practice is the ability to remain composed under pressure. These seven mental practices can assist you in staying composed.

Mindfulness Practice

You can improve your skills and lower your anxiety by using techniques like meditation and deep breathing.

Positive Self-Talk

You can lessen your negative thoughts by speaking to yourself in a positive manner. You might feel peaceful and confident when you think positive things.

Visualisation Techiques

Seeing positive results can boost confidence and lessen anxiety. Imagine yourself handling the tense scenario with composure.


Instead of viewing difficult situations as a threat, view them as challenges. This may lessen the sense of being overburdened.

Focus On Solutions

Instead than focussing on the issue, focus your energies on seeking solutions. This method helps lessen a sense of powerlessness.

Emotional Regulation

Learn how to control your emotions by recognising your triggers and using tactics like journaling.

Preparation And Planning

To provide oneself with a clear course of action when stress arises, make action plans for high-pressure situations.


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